Register for the annual State 4-H Dog Show
The annual State 4-H Dog Show is scheduled for Aug. 17 at the Michigan State University (MSU) Pavilion.
The annual State 4-H Dog Show is scheduled for Aug. 17 at the Michigan State University (MSU) Pavilion. Held every August, the show provides 4-H’ers the opportunity to attend and participate in hands-on agility, showmanship, obedience and service dog classes. Participants must be 4-H members and between ages nine and 19, however, spectators are encouraged to attend. Each participant can show up to two dogs of any breed at the one-day event.
Classes to be offered include leader dog/service dog puppy, freestyle, junior showmanship, team class and Cloverbud amongst others. Each class cost $5. Registration, which includes entries, class fees and health papers, is due to county MSU offices by July 5.
For more information on the State 4-H Dog Show, visit the event page at or contact Katie VanderKolk at 517- 432-5270. The Michigan 4-H Dog Show is sponsored by Michigan 4-H Youth Development programs and MSU Extension.