Ogemaw 4-H Clubs
Ogemaw County Clubs

Ogemaw Hills 4-H Shooting Sports
The Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports program has been active for more than 20 years. Youth in more than 70 counties participate in a variety of shooting sports areas every year! Members can learn safety and shooting techniques for a variety of disciplines - in Ogemaw County, the club currently offers archery and BB/air rifle, with hopes to add shotgun in the spring of 2025! Club members learn how to handle equipment responsibly for target practice and hunting and learn respect for the natural environment. Interested in helping out as a volunteer? Please contact us at MSUE.Ogemaw@msu.edu, or 989-345-0692!
The club meets at Rifle Creek Archery Park (2025 M-55, West Branch, MI 48661) on Thursdays from January 9, 2025, until tentatively the end of March from 6:00-7:30pm. The club for this year's archery/BB Gun is full.
Ogemaw County 4-H Livestock Clubs
Ogemaw County 4-H Dairy "Udder" Club
- Topics: Dairy husbandry and showmanship, dairy cattle training/education.
- Ages: 5 - 19 (note - age requirements to sell a large animal shall be a minimum of 9 years of age, and a maximum of 19 years as of January 1, 2025. Age requirements are subject to fair board guidelines.
2024-25 Dairy Meeting Schedule
Ogemaw County 4-H Boss Hogs Swine Club
- Topics: Swine husbandry and showmanship, swine training.
- Ages: 5 - 19 (note - age requirements to sell a large animal shall be a minimum of 9 years of age, and a maximum of 19 years as of January 1, 2025. Age requirements are subject to fair board guidelines.
2024-25 Boss Hogs (Pig) Meeting Schedule
Ogemaw County 4-H Steak & Tail 4-H Beef Club
- Topics: Beef Cattle husbandry and showmanship, beef cattle training/education.
- This club is at full capacity at this time.
Ogemaw County 4-H Young Shepherds Sheep & Goat Club
- Topics: Sheep husbandry and showmanship, Goat husbandry and showmanship.
- Ages: 5 - 19 (note - age requirements to sell a large animal shall be a minimum of 9 years of age, and a maximum of 19 years as of January 1, 2025. Age requirements are subject to fair board guidelines.)
2024-25 Young Shepherds (Lamb & Goat) Meeting Schedule
Ogemaw County 4-H Small Animal Club (Rabbit & Poultry)
- Topics: Rabbit husbandry and showmanship, poultry husbandry and showmanship, embryology, small animal anatomy.
- Ages: 5 - 19 (note - age requirements to sell a small animal shall be a minimum of 8 years of age, and a maximum of 19 years as of January 1, 2025. Age requirements are subject to fair board guidelines.)
2024-25 Wings & Hoppers (Poultry/Rabbits) Meeting Schedule
Ogemaw County Doggy Dynamics
- Topics: Dog obedience, agility, and showmanship.
- Ages 5-19 as of January 1, 2025
2024-25 Doggy Dynamics Meeting Schedule
SPIN (Special Interest, Short-Term) Clubs in Ogemaw County
These clubs vary each year depending on volunteer availability.
Examples: Lego club, baking/cooking, robotics, arts and crafts, sewing. Keep an eye out for new opportunities.
Clubs listed below are not guaranteed and must meet minimum enrollment numbers to occur. We have a wealth of curriculums from Utah State University's Discover 4-H (https://extension.usu.edu/utah4h/discover)!
If you see one you like and would be interested in leading it in the community, please contact us at MSUE.Ogemaw@msu.edu or 989-345-0692!