Linnea Vicari, MS-A

Linnea Vicari

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CSUS - Urban agriculture as a revitalization tool in mid-sized Rust Belt cities, sustainable and equitable food systems, community engagement


Hometown: Ida, Michigan, USA

Advisor: Lissy Goralnik

Linnea is a master's student in the Department of Community Sustainability. She attended the University of Toledo (Ohio) where she received her B.S. in Biology with a concentration in Ecology.

Linnea is closely involved with the growing urban agriculture community in Toledo, having worked with several stakeholders during her time there. Now she is digging further into the city's urban agriculture movement through her thesis project. Her project aims to identify visions of stakeholders within Toledo's urban agriculture system, identifying where these visions support or conflict with one another. Linnea's project also aims to create an inventory/map of resources and stakeholders within the system.

From 2012 to 2018, Linnea worked for the Monroe County Library System, where she created community garden and S.T.E.A.M. education programs. These experiences drive Linnea's interest in the ways alternative food systems can be integrated into public libraries.

Linnea's research focuses on urban agriculture as a revitalization tool in mid-sized Rust Belt cities, sustainable and equitable food systems, and community engagement.

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