
All Publications (View all Crawford’s publications on Google Scholar sorted by year)

Selected Publications

  • Ayala Wineman and Eric W. Crawford. In press 2017. Climate change and crop choice in Zambia: A mathematical programming approach. NJAS – Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. Online at
  • T. S. Jayne, David Mather, Nicole M. Mason, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Eric W. Crawford. 2015.  Rejoinder to the comment by Andrew Dorward and Ephraim Chirwa on Jayne, T. S., D. Mather, N. Mason, and J. Ricker-Gilbert. 2013. How do fertilizer subsidy program affect total fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa? Crowding out, diversion, and benefit/cost assessments. Agricultural Economics, 44 (6), 687–703.
  • Ayala Wineman and Eric Crawford. 2014. Climate Change and Crop Choice in Zambia: A Mathematical Programming Approach. Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29.
  • Magen, Benjamin, Crawford, Eric W., Maredia, Mywish. 2013. “Economic impact of CRSP’s investment in the development and dissemination of improved cowpea varietal technology: New evidence from Senegal.” Impact Assessment Research Brief 4. Michigan State University: Dry Grain Pulses CRSP, January.
  • Kelly, Valerie A., Crawford, Eric W., Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob. 2011. “The New Generation of African Fertilizer Subsidies: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?.” Policy Synthesis 87. East Lansing, MI: Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, May.
  • Erbaugh, J. M., Crawford, Eric W., Adipala, Ekwamu. 2009. Strengthening Faculties of Agriculture in Africa Through Collaborative Post-Graduate Degree Training By U.S. and African Universities: The HEPAD Experience. [Abstract] Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 16 (2): 70.
  • Kelly, Valerie A., and Eric W. Crawford. 2007. Policies and actions to stimulate private sector fertilizer marketing in sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper No. 15. Rome: FAO.
  • Crawford, Eric W., T. S. Jayne, and Valerie A. Kelly. 2006. Alternative Approaches for Promoting Fertilizer Use in Africa. Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 22. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
  • Crawford, E., V. Kelly, T. S. Jayne, and J. Howard (Eds.). 2003. “Input Use and Market Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Special Issue, Food Policy, 28(4):277-419.
  • Oehmke, James F., and Eric W. Crawford. 2002. “The Sensitivity of Returns to Research Calculations to Supply Elasticity.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84(2):366-69.
  • Colin, Jean-Philippe, and Eric W. Crawford (Eds.). 2001. Research on Agricultural Systems: Accomplishments, Perspectives and Issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers.