Enjoying Produce Safely
Published on October 24, 2022
Tips to help reduce the risk of harmful bacteria contaminating your delicious produce. -
Disfrutar frutas y verduras de forma segura
Published on October 24, 2022
Para disfrutar de frutas y verduras frescas y seguras en casa, siga los consejos siguientes para reducir el riesgo de que bacterias dañinas contaminen sus deliciosas frutas y verduras: -
الحفاظ على سالمة األطعمة قبلوأثناء التسوق.
Published on October 24, 2022
كل خطوة صغيرة تتخذها للحفاظ على سالمة الغذاء مهمة ليس فقط لتوفير أموالكً ولكن مهمة أيضا لصحتك. تبدأ سالمة الغذاء من لحظة االستعداد للذهاب إلى متجرالبقالة. -
Keeping Foods Safe Before and During Shopping
Published on October 24, 2022
Food safety begins as you prepare your trip to the grocery store. This bulletin gives tips to ensure optimum food safety practices both before and during grocery shopping. -
Thawing Foods Safely
Published on October 24, 2022
You can thaw frozen foods safely in three ways: refrigerator thawing, cold water thawing and microwave thawing. -
Mantener la comida fuera de la zona de temperatura de peligro
Published on October 24, 2022
Mantener seguros los alimentos perecederos significa mantenerlos fuera de la “Zona de temperatura de peligro”. -
Keeping Foods Out of the Temperature Danger Zone
Published on October 24, 2022
Keep perishable foods out of the “Temperature Danger Zone" which is 40 to 140 degrees -
Preventing Potluck Paranoia
Published on October 24, 2022
A potluck can be an opportunity to socialize and to taste a wide variety of foods. This bulletin gives tips on organizing a safe potluck and serving food safely to avoid illness, on handling leftovers safely, and hints to make your potluck special. -
Evitar la paranoia de las comidas de traje
Published on October 24, 2022
Una comida de traje es un evento en el que todos los invitados traen un platillo para compartir con todos. Es unaexcelente oportunidad para probar una amplia variedad de alimentos. -
Cooking Safely with a Slow Cooker
Published on October 24, 2022
A slow cooker saves time. With a slow cooker, you can have a meal ready to eat when you return from work or errands.