Ready for an attractive, healthy and smart lawn? View the resources below to help get you started.
Smart Gardening: Leaf Mulching
Video on mulching leaves into turf
Smart Gardening: Controlling Grubs
Learn how to mow your lawn, how to fertilize and how much to water your lawn to control grubs.
Dandelions painting turf and lawns yellow
Published on May 9, 2013
Another annual rite of spring is upon us: dandelions. The best time to control will be at the puff ball stage. -
Quackgrass now appearing in turf
Published on May 2, 2013
Quackgrass infestations in lawns and other turf areas stand out this time of year due to accelerated top growth. -
Watch for European crane fly damage in Grand Rapids, Mich., and Detroit area
Published on May 2, 2013
Watch for European crane fly damage to lawns and golf courses in May. To be better prepared, here are pictures of European crane fly larvae, adults and turf damage. -
Dead patches in lawns or golf course roughs may be from grubs
Published on April 25, 2013
Watch for dead patches in lawns that grow larger over the next three weeks. Learn how to prevent grub and skunk problems in the future. -
Preemergence herbicide applications for crabgrass control
Published on April 12, 2013
Spring has been very slow to arrive, but models indicate many areas of central and southern Michigan may soon be in the optimum application window for preemergence herbicides. -
Reduce lawn and garden damage caused by moles, skunks and raccoons
Published on March 12, 2013
What you can do to discourage pests such as moles, skunks and raccoons from digging up your yard and garden. -
Who’s that digging in my yard: Skunks, raccoons or moles?
Published on February 13, 2013
Gain a better idea of which critter is digging up your yard or garden by the damage they cause. -
Use rye this fall to put your garden to bed for the winter
Published on October 22, 2012
Rye as a cover crop has numerous benefits for overwintering your garden. -
Late season lawn seeding
Published on September 24, 2012
Lawns may have taken a beating from the summer drought, but it’s not too late for a little first aid for the grass blades. -
Failure to water-in insecticides after application may result in poor grub control
Published on September 21, 2012
Lawn care company asks question about lack of grub control at some sites. Failure to water-in insecticides may be the problem. -
Timing for fall fertilization and rust on turf
Published on September 7, 2012
Following a stressful summer, lawns will benefit from a timely fertilizer application in the fall and may help turfgrass out-grow rust infestations. -
Turfgrass establishment following a hot, dry summer
Published on August 22, 2012
Following the summer of 2012, many turfgrass areas and lawns may need to be over-seeded to fill in damaged or dead areas. -
What is evapotranspiration and why it matters
Published on July 25, 2012
Under drought conditions, plants may not be able to extract water fast enough to keep up with evapotranspiration. -
Cicada killer wasps are no cause for concern
Published on July 13, 2012
Despite their large size and fierce appearance, it is easy to get along with cicada killers. -
Does a dormant lawn need to be treated for grubs?
Published on July 12, 2012
Home lawns are the most susceptible to grub damage under dry conditions. If you have seen turf damage caused by grubs in the last two years, plan on applying an insecticide for grubs before August 1. -
Tough time for trees: Heat, drought, and storms take their toll
Published on July 9, 2012
Our record-breaking heat wave coupled with widespread severe thunderstorms made this a rough week for trees in Lower Michigan and surrounding areas. -
Proper fertilization: Take key step with square footage calculator
Published on July 5, 2012
Online calculator conveniently determines the exact area of lawn or garden, saving you money and protecting the environment from over-fertilization. -
Insect pests now appearing in turf
Published on June 28, 2012
A lot of webworm moths are being observed now, but it may be chinch bugs that are damaging home lawns. Japanese beetles are out as well, and they are hungry. -
White clover and black medic infesting turf
Published on May 17, 2012
White clover and black medic are both currently flowering in lawns and other turf. -
Fungi in lawns getting interesting
Published on May 10, 2012
The rainfall over the last couple of weeks has resulted in some interesting sightings in lawns.