COVID 19 and its Impact on Nutrition and Health of Vulnerable People in Nigeria

The second panel discussion of the Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project Scholars Program's informational series on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigeria.

To enhance understanding of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigeria’s Agriculture and its Food Systems, Dr. Oyinkan Tasie, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resources Economics (AFRE) and a member of the department's Food Security Group (FSG) is organizing weekly online discussion sessions via zoom with expert panelists. The April 8th panel discussion featured Mrs. Hepzibah Onyeje Obekpa (MSU NAPP Scholar 2019 and Lecturer Departmnt of Agricultural Economics, Federal University of Agriculture, Markurdi) and Mr. Olufemi Adegoke (MPH Harvard, County Director, Oxford Policy Management Nigeria). The event was supported by the Feed the Future Nigerian Agricultural Policy Project funded by USAID Nigeria and was attended by people from across Nigeria, Europe and the United States.  A recording of the event can be found below.

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