A Guide on Giving to AFRE at MSU
AFRE has countless funds that fit every interest and passion for end-of-year giving. Check out this simpler way to navigate these funds, so you can give to AFRE in the most meaningful way.
As a land-grant university, MSU is not primarily about learning for its own sake. It’s about learning and using that learning to make a difference, and MSU has countless programs that are making a difference around the world. Here in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE), we educate students, conduct research, and engage in outreach related to all the topics in our department name.
The AFRE Giving webpage lists a bewildering number of options — so here’s an attempt to make it easier to navigate. Use this page to figure out exactly what you’d like to give to within AFRE, we have funds ranging from general (like the Discretionary Fund) to the specific (like the Thomas K. Cowden Memorial Fund to send graduate students to professional meetings). To give to any of the funds below, you will ultimately need to select a giving option, copy the bold, italic words, then go to the Giving to MSU online website, and paste your choice into the Areas to Support field.
Ready to decide what fund fits your interests the best? First, answer these three questions:
- Do you prefer to give for a purpose that is general or specific?
- If specific, do you prefer to support student scholarships or broad topic areas?
- If student scholarships, do you prefer undergraduate, graduate, or diversity-in-general?
Decision Tree
If you wish to give generally to the department and meet the greatest need, choose one of the following:
- Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics Discretionary Fund
- Agricultural Economics Enhancement Fund (for student, faculty, & staff development)
- Dale E. Hathaway Memorial Endowment in Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
- Manderscheid Endowed Fund to Support Agricultural Economics (for student, faculty, & staff development).
If you prefer to focus your giving more specifically, start here:
Student scholarships
Undergraduate students
- General support of undergraduates
- Ralph E. and Patricia A. Hepp Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Agricultural Economics focus
- Kenneth E. and Eleanor M. Coulter Endowed Scholarship
Agricultural Cooperatives focus
- Glynn McBride Michigan Association of Farmer Cooperatives Endowed Scholarship
Agribusiness Management focus
- Redmond and Edna Cotter Agribusiness Scholarship Endowment
- Harry A. Foster Endowed Scholarship (Horticulture specialization or major)
Food Industry Management focus
- James D. Giannestras Memorial Scholarship Fund in Food Industry Management
- Dr. Jack Allen and Dr. Tom Pierson Scholarship Endowment (travel especially)
International educational experiences
- John (Jake) and Maxine Ferris Global Agribusiness Award Endowment
Policy focus on agriculture and food (upper level undergrads)
- David Schweikhardt Scholarship in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Graduate students
- General support of M.S. & Ph.D. students
- Seevers Graduate Scholars Program
Ph.D. students
- Carol C. Gustafson and Gary S. Murphy Endowed Scholarship
- Glenn and Sandy Johnson Fellowship Endowment(dissertation enhancement)
Agribusiness management and marketing focus
- Henry and Annabel Larzelere Graduate Fellowships Endowment Fund
Institutional economics focus
- A. Allan Schmid Endowed Fellowship in Institutional Economics
International economic development focus (or students from Africa)
- Lane and Virginia Holdcroft Endowed Graduate Fellowship for African Development
International graduate students in financial need
- Charles H.C. Kao International Student Scholarship
International educational experiences
- John (Jake) and Maxine Ferris Global Agribusiness Award Endowment
Policy focus on agriculture and food
- David Schweikhardt Scholarship in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics
Professional meeting attendance
- Dr. Thomas K. Cowden Memorial Fund
Student diversity (undergrad & grad)
- Mary D. Zehner Fund in Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
If you wish to support research and education by topic area, look here:
- Agribusiness Extension
- Stephen B. and Karen L. Harsh Agribusiness Outreach Endowment
Food and Agricultural Policy
- Elton R. Smith Endowed Chair
Resource Economics
- Resource Economics
So you’ve decided which fund to give to, how do you actually make the gift? On the Giving to MSU online website, search for the name of the fund you prefer under Areas to Support: Search for Funds. Then choose “Add to Cart” to make the donation.
AFRE appreciates dedicated supporters who know and value our high-quality research and extension. Thank you for any contributions you can make, and thank you for your contintued support of AFRE.