William W. Taylor, PhD
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Professor Emeritus
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Related Work
Articles Featuring
- Taylor, Bennett and Lupi recognized, April 22, 2024
- Harvard sustainability scholar to deliver William W. Taylor Distinguished Lecture, March 16, 2023
- Scholar renowned for shaping sustainability science named commencement speaker, December 12, 2022
- MSU takes inland fisheries food security to FAO event, September 28, 2022
- New associate director appointed for Michigan Sea Grant, March 6, 2022
- MSU fisheries experts publish book of triumphs, October 17, 2019
- Taylor honored as leadership innovator, December 6, 2017
Authored Documents
- AMBIO - Coupled human and natural systems: The evolution and applications of an integrated framework, March 16, 2021
- AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH & MGT - Using the telecoupling framework to improve Great Lakes fisheries sustainability, December 2, 2019
- HYDROBIOLOGIA - Developing precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream temperature models to improve brook charr management amid climate change, June 13, 2019
- Developing precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream temperature models to improve brook charr management amid climate change, May 30, 2019
- The changing face of Great Lakes fisheries, February 3, 2019
- Threats to freshwater fisheries in the United States: perspectives and investments of state fisheries administrators and Agricultural Experiment Station directors, February 3, 2019
- Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity, November 7, 2018
- Peruvian anchoveta as a telecoupled fisheries system, December 21, 2017
- Grand challenges in the management and conservation of North American inland fish and fisheries, November 9, 2017
- Assessing fisheries impact on river fish biomass: A systematic map protocol, November 9, 2017
- Science to action: decision-support to advance stream trout management in a changing climate, August 12, 2017
- FISHERIES -- The telecoupling framework: an integrative tool for enhancing fisheries management, August 12, 2017
- The Fenske Fellowship: professional growth, personal inspiration, and a fisheries legacy, August 7, 2017
- The contribution of lakes to global inland fisheries harvest, June 26, 2017
- Comparing stream-specific to generalized temperature models to guide coldwater salmonid management in a changing climate, January 13, 2017
- Developing future leaders, October 23, 2016
- On the evolution of organizations, September 19, 2016
- To evolve, or not to evolve? - that is the question, August 3, 2016
- The social, economic, and environmental importance of inland fish and fisheries, February 9, 2016
- Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience-based management, January 2, 2016
- Inland capture fishery contributions to global food security and threats to their future, August 11, 2015
- Bathythermal Habitat Use by Strains of Great Lakesand Finger Lakes-Origin Lake Trout in Lake Huron after a Change in Prey Fish Abundance and Composition, June 1, 2015
- Characterizing coal and mineral mines as a regional source of stress to stream fish assemblages, November 24, 2014
- Great Lakes Fisheries Policy & Management, August 20, 2014
- Information Flow in Fisheries Management: Systemic Distortion within Agency Hierarchies, July 17, 2014
- Leadership in the Hurricane of Change, July 5, 2012
- Dividing the waters: The case for hydrologic separation of the North American Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins, June 29, 2011
- Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition), April 2, 2011
- Sustainable Fisheries: Multi-Level Approaches to a Global Problem, April 2, 2011
- Sustainable Fisheries: An Overview Addressing a Global Problem, March 10, 2011
- The Influence of Changing Climate on the Ecology and Management of Selected Laurentian Great Lakes Fisheries, October 11, 2010
- The influence of groundwater withdrawal and land use changes on brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) thermal habitat in two coldwater tributaries in Michigan, U.S.A., March 8, 2010
- Ecological Complexity and Ecological Vision - 人类-自然耦合系统的复杂性, February 28, 2010
- Ecological Complexity and Ecological Vision - 论人类-自然耦合系统, February 28, 2010
- Unsustainable Global Fisheries Need a Unified Call for a UN Conference, January 1, 2010
- The influence of land cover composition and groundwater on thermal habitat availability for brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations in the United States of America, January 1, 2010
- Evaluating a science-based decision support tool used to prioritize brook charr conservation project proposals in the eastern United States, December 24, 2009
- AMBIO - Coupled Human and Natural Systems, December 1, 2007
- The Impact of Water Security on Freshwater Fisheries Management: A Multinational Perspective, January 1, 2007
- Peer Review in the Classroom, September 1, 2002
- Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resources Management, January 1, 2002
- Framework for Evaluating the Effects of Human Factors on Wildlife Habitat: the Case of Giant Pandas, March 24, 1999
- SUSTAINABILITY -- Global marine fishing across space and time,