Forages, forests and livestock: Creating a synergistic system though silvopasture
Published on August 19, 2021
Silvopasture is managing forages, forests and livestock so none of the resources are managed to the detriment of the other. -
Addressing labor challenges together
Published on August 17, 2021
Help us understand the current workforce needs of agricultural operations across Michigan. -
MSU Extension animal agriculture team focuses on preparedness for the livestock industry
Published on July 26, 2021
When tragedy strikes while hauling animals, having trained responders, proper tools, and equipment and knowing how to manage the emergency situation are key to having an effective and efficient response to the emergency. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Water consumption
Published on July 22, 2021
Learn ways to keep animals drinking and hydrated during the fair. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Heat stress
Published on July 14, 2021
Learn how to mitigate heat stress for animals during fair season. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Thermoregulation and thermoneutral zone
Published on July 12, 2021
Understanding how livestock thermoregulation and thermoneutral are important in providing excellent animal care. -
Mid-year financial health check-up…How healthy is your farm?
Published on July 8, 2021
Now is a good time to start checking the pulse of your farm’s financial health. -
Emergency response to accidents involving livestock D2L online course offered by MSU Extension
Published on July 8, 2021
Accidents involving livestock occur throughout Michigan and preparing first responders to effectively respond to these accidents is the goal of the MSU Extension D2L online training course. -
Why are my cattle bloating?
Published on July 1, 2021
Bloat can have a significant economic impact on an operation due to animal deaths or the following treatments required by bloat-prone animals. -
Nominate the 2022 Dairy Farm of the Year
Published on June 25, 2021
The MSU Department of Animal Science invites nominations for the Dairy Farm of the Year by October 15.