Get RUP credits and ideas for the growing season with educational meetings in east Michigan
Published on January 3, 2020
Michigan State University Extension’s 2020 winter meetings offer updates on pest and crop management as well necessary information on new regulations. -
Enterprise budget tool available for feedlot producers
Published on December 23, 2019
Enterprise budgets are an economic tool used to forecast profitability. The Excel tool presents budgets for both beef and Holstein cattle at different placement weights. -
Michigan youth attend National 4-H Dairy Conference
Published on December 20, 2019
Nine 4-H members from across Michigan traveled to Madison, Wisconsin, to learn about the national and global dairy industries. -
Feed sampling will help with beef cow energy and protein supplementation
Published on December 19, 2019
Feed sampling and analysis can pay huge dividends. -
Pest Control
Published on December 3, 2019
With the fall and winter season coming to fruition, an increase of rodents and pests make their way into livestock facilities. Learn how to look for evidence of rodents and pests in your facilities and how they may affect your livestock. -
What is going on in dairy?
Published on November 20, 2019
Many people will have heard that Dean Foods declared bankruptcy recently and thought about the gallon jug in their refrigerator and wondered what is going on. This is an on-going story and we don’t know everything, but let’s review some things we do know. -
Should producers chase after yield?
Published on November 13, 2019
American farmers continually strive for higher yields. Something encouraged by the current pricing structure of raw agricultural products, but is chasing yield necessarily a good thing? -
Recommendations for selecting hay and pasture forages for Michigan
Published on November 12, 2019
Selecting forage species and mixtures for hayfields and pastures may seem overwhelming. Let this new bulletin help you make decisions. -
Clay soil moisture monitoring project explores farmer’s efforts to improve drainage
Published on November 4, 2019
This season-long demonstration project compared results of surface drains, deep tillage and field tile on Michigan’s eastern Upper Peninsula farms. -
Frosted sorghum and sudangrass pasture poses prussic acid poisoning risk
Published on October 29, 2019
Sorghum-family plants can contain prussic acid that is potentially lethal to livestock.