Call for Applications - Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project Scholars’ Program
Published on January 6, 2017
A Call for Applications for the 2017 Short-Term Visiting Scholars Program is open, with a deadline of February 23, 2017. -
Rural Development Strategy for Mon State
Published on January 5, 2017
Recommendations toward a rural development strategy for Mon State based on analysis of current evidence. -
Surprising Facts about Africa’s Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
Published on January 5, 2017
With the rapid rise of the middle class to about one-third of Africa’s population, we observe important changes in food consumption. These impact the entire agrifood system. -
The 2015 Survey to Evaluate the Quality of Policy Processes in Malawi
Published on January 5, 2017
FSP conducted a survey to provide a baseline understanding of the quality of these policy processes. -
The Rise of Medium-size Farms: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia
Published on January 5, 2017
The rapid rise of medium-scale holdings in most cases reflects increased interest in land by urban-based professionals or influential rural people associated with rapidly rising urban population growth and demand for food in Africa. -
The Acceleration of Mechanization in the Agricultural Sector
Published on January 5, 2017
Factors toward Agricultural Mechanization in Burma -
Aquaculture Value Chain in Myanmar
Published on January 5, 2017
In Myanmar, fish is the leading purveyor of animal protein and the lead provider of micronutrients, important especially for child development. Nearly as much is spent on fish (14% of food expenditure) as on rice (19% of food expenditure). -
At Last, Evidence that African Agriculture is Powering Economic Transformation
Published on January 4, 2017
The evidence is now in and the verdict is that Africa´s agriculture is powering economic transformation in the region. African agriculture has shown remarkable improvement compared to its precarious state 15 years ago. However... -
The Role of Cooperative Coffee-Washing Stations for Rwandan Coffee
Published on January 4, 2017
Rwandan coffee is increasingly recognized as a high quality product, sought after by specialty coffee buyers. Despite impressive growth of the sector over the past two decades, coffee productivity in Rwanda is among the lowest in East Africa. -
How to Determine the Cost of Production for Fully-Washed Coffee in Rwanda?
Published on January 3, 2017
The study describes a methodology and quantitative estimation process that can be used to estimate the values for household labor, wage labor, equipment and purchased inputs in Rwanda and other coffee producing countries.
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