Get Involved

Charter Logo - Long-Clr

Join the Charter Council

A graphic depicting the three types of engagement in the Michigan Good Food Charter Council (Supporter, Local Leader, and Council Member), the text descriptions for which are below. The image also indicates that the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems serve as coordinators for the Charter Council.

What is the Michigan Good Food Charter Council? 

The Michigan Good Food initiative is a statewide effort to promote, implement, and track progress toward the Michigan Good Food Charter goals. The initiative is coordinated by the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems (CRFS) and guided by a coalition of partners known as the Michigan Good Food Charter Council. The Charter Council supports the implementation of Charter activities through coalition-building and coordinated policy action efforts.

Who should join as a member?

We recognize that not everyone has time to serve on a committee or be involved in a project or campaign. The Charter Coordinating Committee has created a membership model that allows for many ways to engage with the Charter Council. Each type of membership comes with its own levels of time commitment, responsibilities and benefits. 

Membership is free! Anyone who joins can move freely among the engagement opportunities as time and interest allows. All levels of membership have value to the advancement of the Michigan Good Food Charter! 

What does becoming a member mean?

By joining, you’re getting access to this community to collaborate on food systems solutions that lead to achieving our shared vision that Michigan has a thriving food economy distinguished by equity, health, and sustainability.

Depending on how you wish to engage you will receive periodic updates via email including opportunities to take action, resource sharing, requests for participation or feedback, access to meeting and event information information.

Our Membership Levels


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Show your support!

If you: Support the Charter vision, recommendations, and the many related good food systems initiatives…

What you do to engage: 

  • Sign on to resolution of support; Your name and/or organization’s name is added to the resolution of support
  • Opt in to receive updates on our Michigan Good Food Mailing List and the Foodspeak listserv


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Local Leader

Connect your local efforts with statewide priorities!

If you: Want to stay informed of statewide opportunities and to contribute to statewide efforts through your local work…

What you do to engage: 

  • Stay informed and share information with your community
  • Raise statewide issues and collaborate on solutions
  • Opt in to participate in projects, events, or advocacy efforts aligned with your goals


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Committee Member

Guide Statewide Action!

If you: Want to collaborate with others at a statewide level to promote, implement, and track progress toward the Michigan Good Food Charter goals…

What you do to engage:

  • Bring your expertise and knowledge to one of three committees where you’ll collaborate with experts and advocates from across the state
    • Coordinating Committee
    • Policy Action Committee
    • Shared Measurement Committee
  • If available, we may offer conditional funding for stipends