Ying-Chen chose Horticulture for her graduate degree because of the variety of crops to study

Ying-Chen is impressed by the amount and variety of resources available for Horticulture grad students.

Featured Student

Ying-Chen Lin is from Taipei, Taiwan and is currently working on her Horticulture PhD degree. We asked Ying-Chen a few questions about herself.

Why did you choose Horticulture as your advanced degree?

I’m interested in plants – I was debating which plant science programs to apply for my grad school, but I like that horticulture includes various crops. It’s very interesting to hear other people working on some plants you don’t think will be researched on.

What has been the best experience in grad school so far?

I really enjoy the grad school life in the Horticulture Department. The student associations (HOGS, ACRS…) are very active and there are many actives that not only provide opportunities to organize events but also build leadership experience.

What is the best selling point about horticulture and your choice to study it at MSU that you would like others to know?

The thing that impresses me the most is that there are plenty of resources available for grad students to do research, both facilities (genomic, microscopy, greenhouse…etc) and the support from faculty and staff.

What are your future plans (i.e.- what would be your ideal job after you graduate?

I will definitely be working on research, not sure where I’ll be yet, but I’m open to both academia and industry.

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