Michigan Local Food Council Network Seed Grant Program - Request for Proposals Summer 2019
Are you looking for funding for your local food council? The Michigan Local Food Council Network is offering grants to Michigan food councils who want to build capacity and develop peer-to-peer connections.
The MSU Center for Regional Food Systems is excited to offer another round of Michigan Local Food Council Network Seed Grants.
We currently seek both grant requests and nominations for representatives from local food councils to participate in the grant review and feedback process. Funding requests and review team nominations are due by 6:00 PM on Thursday, July 18.
Existing and developing Michigan local food or food policy councils are eligible to apply for grants of up to $5,000. These seed grants provide a source for existing councils to expand their capacity and newly-forming councils to accelerate their development. The grant program also aims to increase connection and opportunities for peer-to-peer learning among councils through participation in the MLFCN.
MLFCN is using a participatory gifting model to involve Network participants in a collaborative funding decision. This process will include applicant council representatives and members of other (non-applicant) councils in the review team. Feedback on grant requests will be central to the review process, and applicants will have an opportunity to revise their proposals based on this input. The review team will recommend an allocation of the total pot of funds that advances individual councils’ and Network goals.
For complete details, download the request for proposals and application form.
Download the Request for Proposals
If you are not applying for funds but are interested in nominating to the review team, please see details in the RFP and submit the nomination at https://forms.gle/YPyzNn38idkNSNeL7.
For more information or questions on the grant funding or review team nominations, contact Liz Gensler at gensler@msu.edu or Megan Masson-Minock at mmasson-minock@cwaplan.com.