Wild Animal Camp: Day 5

Goats, Bunnies, and Chickens, Oh My!

Wild Animal Camp Series: Day 5


Hummus & Trail Mix To-Go

This morning  was quite purple, thanks to the beets that we acquired today fresh from the gardens for our campers to try, after blending with some chickpeas to create a chunky purple hummus to have with some pita bread, that was eaten very quickly! The plate-licking goodness of hummus.



After having hummus, we asked the campers to do a quick survey, for them to review: "Did I make a new friend at camp? What's one thing I would want to do again if I come back to this camp? What was one fun thing you learned this week?" and so on. Each question was done one at a time, so the campers were able to think together about what answers they might want to give, with help from all our Educational Leaders, Stewards, and S.I.T's we were able to have some fun while doing.


Bunnies & Chickens IMG_4374

Today was quite a fun day! One of our younger camp groups got to spend a bit more time with our resident Tollgate bunnies, taking time to get to know them better. All the campers were very excited, and very respectful of our bunnies, making our Educational Leaders very proud! With the chickens, some campers were a bit scared to get into the chicken's area, however they were very brave to still interact with the chickens. So proud of all our campers!



Carrots and Garlic Bulbs

In addition to interacting with all our animals, we went out to our Educational Garden, where most of our carrots and garlic were ready to be harvested from the ground. The campers were eager to get their hands on some delicious carrots, we learned today that not all carrots are orange, and garlic bulbs are not always the same size! We have some purple and white ones too.


Winged Wonders Camp IMG_4358

This camp is a more specialized, also for an older set of kids, to learn about our Birds of Prey, which includes Raptors, Eagles and Hawkes. They got to hold one bird and create an ideal habitat for a bird of their choosing, and to talk about the habitats they created and why. The campers are very creative so it comes as no surprise that each one is better that next!


IMG_4402Skits For Family

Throughout the day, each group of campers came up with a small skit to show their parents when they came to pick up their kids today, everyone performed so well, we had a ton of laughs while preparing the skits for the parents to see! And the campers performed so well! So proud of what all our campers accomplished today, and with this performance, the Tollgate Staff hopes that we can encourage more kids to be curious about the wonderful world we live in.


The End

We hope you had a wonderful week participating in WILD ANIMAL Camp. From the forest, to the pond, to gardens and the pastures, everyday was a awesome adventure. The friends and memories will be cherished for a lifetime! Thank you all. Please enjoy this photo album filled with pictures form this past week of camp! 

Wild Animal Camp Photos


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