Marisol Quintanilla
Lab website: Applied Nematology, Ecology and Acoustical Signatures
Dr. Marisol Quintanilla is an Applied Nematologist at Michigan State University. Marisol grew up in a family farm in Chile that produces table grapes and diverse other crops. Marisol received her master’s and doctoral degrees at MSU with nematologist Dr. George Bird. After leaving MSU, she spent two years at Northern Marianas College and then moved to the University of Hawaii. Her work included nematode identification and analysis of trials with Dr. Koon-Hui Wang and gained extensive experience in working with specialty crop growers. Most recently, she has studied nematode community structure, soil health and pest management in edible crops as part of her research and extension work.
Marisol collaborates with faculty in finding applied solutions to plant parasitic nematode problems in the state’s key crops. Nematodes are microscopic and worm-like. While some are beneficial, others are plant parasites and are causing significant losses for Michigan’s field, vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. The developed management practices aim to increase soil health and beneficial organism populations. Additionally, Quintanilla will research biorational and conventional products for nematode control and possibly test resistant varieties. She shares the research-based results with growers and agricultural professionals through multiple extension methods.
Current assignment | Teaching 0% | Research 50% | Extension 50% | Administration 0% |
Program Description
Marisol’s research interest will be finding applied solutions to plant parasitic nematodes in Michigan’s field, vegetable, fruit, and ornamental crops. Existing and potential nematode control products and strategies will be tested, and their effect on soil health will also be considered.
Nematode research produced by faculty will be communicated to farmers and agricultural professionals. Knowledge gained regarding sustainable management practices evaluated by our research efforts in cooperation with department faculty and statewide team will be passed on to the growers.
Dissemination of research information regarding nematode exclusion, sustainable management, control, and host resistance will be done through extension meetings, personal farm visits, talks, videos, website, extension publications, and scholarly publications. Nematode education programs will be organized in collaboration with other faculty and extension agents.
- Nematodes
- Plant Parasitic Nematodes
- Soil Health
- Doctorate – Michigan State University, 2009
- Master of Science - Michigan State University, 2004
- Bachelor of Agriculture – Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 2001
Professional Experience
- 2017 - Present | Applied Nematologist, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
- 2016 | Extension Agent, Tropical Plant and Soil Science Department, University of Hawaii
- 2015 | Entomologist and Trainer at Sandwich Isles Pest Solutions, Hawaii
- 2014-2015 | Junior Researcher at Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences Department, University of Hawaii
- 2011-2014 | Administrator of a table grape production and export operation in Chile, Agricola Renta Frut S.A.
- 2009-2011 | Plant Protection Leader, nematologist and entomologist for Northern Marianas College Cooperative Research Extension and Education Service (NMC-CREES), Northern Mariana Islands
- 2002-2009 | Research and teaching assistant., Department of Entomology, Michigan State University
- Staton, M., and Quintanilla, M. 2021. Interested in reducing yield losses caused by soybean cyst nematodes? MSUE News.
- García-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields. Fruit Growers News:
- Cole, E., Howland, A., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: Experimental results – Part 2. MSUE News.
- Levene, B., Thapa, S., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Evaluation of rotation, compost, chemicals, and cover crops to manage soybean cyst nematode populations MSUE News.
- Parrado, L., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Integrated management of potato early die: disease complex dynamic and treatment effectiveness. Video. Michigan Potato Commission
- García-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields. MSUE News.
- García-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields. Fruit Growers News.
- Darling, E., Thapa, S., Cole, E., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Surveying Michigan carrot growers on plant-parasitic nematode control habits. MSUE News.
- Darling, E., Cole, E. and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Tips for nematode management in carrots, parsnips. Vegetable Grower News (April). Web.
- Darling, E., Thapa, S., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Exploring alternative strategies for nematode management for the processing carrot. Carrot Country Magazine.
- Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Muddy fields and rush to finish field work may move soybean cyst nematodes. MSUE News
- Wilson, J., Quintanilla, M., Shade, A., Einhorn, T., Sundin, G., and A. Irish-Brown. 2019. The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville research center. New York State Horticultural Society, Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4)
- Quintanilla, M., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Wilson, J. 2019. Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes. New York State Horticultural Society Fruit Quarterly 27: 19-21
- Cole, E., Parrado, L., and Quintanilla, M. 2019 July/August. Selecting soil amendments and nematicides to best prevent potato early dying complex. Potato Country Magazine, 36(5), pp12-13
- Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M. 2019. Evaluation of oilseed radish cover crop, pre-plant application timing/rate and in-furrow pesticide applications for nematode management. Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.
- Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M. 2019. Evaluation in-furrow and/or foliar pesticide applications for nematode management. Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.
- Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M. 2019. Evaluation in-furrow Abamectin treatments at planting for nematode management. Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.
- Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., and Poley, K. 2018. Nematodes in ornamental plant production: good or bad? MSU Extension.
- Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., Horling, K., and Poley, K. 2018. Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: experimental results. MSUE News.
- Quintanilla, M. 2018. The new soybean cyst nematode coalition. Michigan Soybean News. Fall Issue, p. 21.
- Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean cyst nematode resistance management. MSUE News.
- Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean cyst nematode resistance management workshop held June 20, 2018. MSU Extension.
- Quintanilla, M., Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., and Warner, F. 2018. SCN easier to manage if detected early. Michigan Farmer News. January 11.
- Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski. Fruit Management Guide. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314
- Long, C., Tiemann, L., Rosenzweig, N., Hill, E., Quintanilla, M., Jean, M., Zavislan, K., Busch, A., and Calogero, J. 2018. Impact of Increased Cropping System Diversity as Measured by Improved Productivity and Sustainability in a Michigan Potato Production System. Michigan Potato Research Report 2017.
- Cho, A., Quintanilla, M., McDonald, T., Kawabata, A., and Nakamoto, S. 2017. 'Sharwil' avocado identification. University of Hawaii CTAHR Extension Publication F_N-50.
- Quintanilla, M., Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., Warner, F. 2017. Soybean cyst nematode, management for a destructive soybean pathogen. Michigan Farmer Magazine, December
- Howland, A., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Quintanilla, M. 2022. Determining alternative management strategies for the northern root-knot nematode. Crop Protection. Journal impact factor 2.571. In preparation
- Núñez, L.*, Darling, E.*, Chung, H., Zasada, I. and Quintanilla, M. 2022. A Review of the Hop Cyst Nematode, Heterodera humuli. Frontiers in Plant Science. Impact factor: 4.407. In preparation
- Thapa, S., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Quintanilla, M. 2022. Distribution of plant parasitic nematodes in Michigan corn fields. Journal of Nematology. Journal impact factor 1.402. In preparation
- Darling, E., Palmisano, A., Chung, H. and Quintanilla, M. 2022. A new biological product showing promising control of the northern root knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, in tomatoes. Journal of Nematology. Impact factor 1.442. In preparation
- Parrado, L., Cole, E., and Quintanilla, M. 2022. Efficacy of integrating biological control agents with manure-based amendments for management of Pratylenchus penetrans and Verticillium dahliae in potato production. Phytopathology (tentative). Journal impact factor 4.024. In preparation
- Thapa, S., Cole, E., Howland, A.D., Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2021. Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) resistant variety rotation system impacts nematode population density, virulence, and yield. Crop Protection. Journal impact factor: 2.571
- Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology. Journal impact factor: 3.264
- Darling, E., Pu, J., Cole, E., Christian, R., Warner, F. W., Zasada, I., Chung, H., & Quintanilla, M. 2020. First report of the Hop Cyst Nematode, Heterodera humuli, in two counties of the Yakima Valley region, WA, USA. Plant Disease, (ja). Journal impact factor: 3.809
- Dyrdahl-Young, R., Cole, E., Quintanilla Tornel, M., Weldon, R., & DiGennaro, P. 2020. Economic assessment of nematode biological control agents in a potato production model. Nematology. Journal impact factor: 1.216
- Bintarti, A.F., Wilson, J., Quintanilla-Tornel, M., and Shade, A. 2020. Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and growing region. Phytobiomes Journal. New journal so Journal impact factor yet unknown, though it belongs to APS and Phytopathology is 3.234
- Quintanilla, M. 2017. Soil Acoustics. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.). Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds. Wiley Press
- Quintanilla, M., Wang, K. H., Tavares, J., & Hooks, C. R. 2016. Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 224: 75-85. Journal impact factor: 3.564
- Schlub, R. L., Moore, A., Marx, B., Schlub, K., Kennaway, L., Quintanilla, M., Putnam, M. & Mersha, Z. 2011. Decline of Casuarina equisetifolia (ironwood) trees in Guam: symptomatology and explanatory variables. Phytopathology (Vol. 101, No. 6, pp. S216-S216). Journal impact factor: 3.011
- Quintanilla, M., Bird, G., and Gage, S. 2010. Impact of microwaves and water on acoustical signatures of a compost. Compost Science and Utilization Journal 18: 3. Journal impact factor: 0.564
Electronic Resources
- MSU Applied Nematology lab website
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition page
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Video
- SCN Coalition reinvented – Brownfield Ag News radio interview
- East Hawaii Plant & Soil Extension YouTube Channel, produced videos are placed in this channel and linked to the CTAHR website
- Facebook field crops page (this is a shared page, so other professionals contribute to it, and created it):
- Research Gate Page
- Weekly Radio Interviews while at Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions
- Neem - a botanical pesticide video
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