
Demo Dataset Page

This is the summary field


Use Dataset when you’re adding a collection of different content types that relate to a topic. This content type is about the ‘what’, not the ‘who’. For instance, an Extension team whose work revolves around beef and includes several different content types is a Dataset.



The name of the collection of content often the name of a topic or program.

Banner Image

Primary, single image featured on a dataset page that represents the subject of the dataset. Must not contain text. Should be uploaded at the highest possible resolution.

Banner Button

This allows clickable buttons on banner images. You can have three banner buttons max. Include text for the button in Key and the URL to link to in Value.

Child Banner Image

This allows narrow banners on subpages. 

Image Thumbnail

Image featured on indexes. Represents the subject of the dataset. Must not contain text. Should be uploaded at the highest possible resolution.

Image Description

Required when there is an image, describe the image for those using a screen reader (serves alt text).


A short description of the dataset.


Place Dataset

Any place that this dataset has been associated with.

Dataset Dataset (Parent)

Any broad topic that this dataset has been associated with. Example: Fruit & Nuts is a parent to Cherries.

Organization Dataset

Any organization that this dataset has been associated with.

Dataset-Digital Document

Any documents that are associated with this dataset.


A series of information that is related to this dataset.


Any events that are associated with this dataset.


Any video that is associated with this dataset.

Dataset-Gallery Image

Any image that is associated with this dataset. 

Dataset-Dataset (Child)

Any dataset that is related to a dataset. Example: Cherries is a child dataset to Fruit & Nuts.


Any person that is associated with this dataset.


Any article that is associated with this dataset.