Student Clubs

Entomology students may be interested in different student clubs and organizations.

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is connected with many of the student organizations at MSU.

The full list of Registered Student Organizations and contacts information is available through the MSU Department of Student Life.

MSU Bug Club

The MSU Bug Club is a community of insect enthusiasts! Our focus is on hosting entomology-themed activities, outreach, and bringing together entomology majors and non-majors to meet and learn about the diversity of insects. Email:


Twitter: @bugclubmsu

Instagram: @bugclubmsu

Graduate & Undergraduate Entomology Student Society

The Graduate & Undergraduate Entomology Student Society (GUESS) is a service-oriented organization that revolves around the membership's common interest in entomology. Our mission is to support worthy entomology-related projects and issues.