Teaching Award Nominations
Here is where we will announce the call for nominations for this year’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) Teaching Awards. Recognize an excellent teacher by using our quick and easy form to nominate them as soon as the application is available! The nomination form only takes a few minutes to complete. After verifying the nominees’ eligibility for consideration, we will notify them and invite them to submit an application package.
We will also let nominated individuals know who nominated them unless you mark on the nomination form that you prefer to be anonymous.
Available awards include:
- The Howard and Lili Camden Endowed Teacher/Scholar Award (see criteria)
- CANR Excellence in Teaching – New Teacher Award (see criteria)
- CANR Excellence in Teaching – Established Teacher Award (see criteria)
- Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Award (see criteria)
- Extension Excellence in Teaching Award (see criteria)
Full packets, collected by electronic submission, are due by nominated candidates by some date in mid-January (stay tuned!) Be sure to give your candidate plenty of time to prepare an application package by nominating them today!
Ideal candidates for the Howard and Lili Camden Endowed Teacher/Scholar Award will have/provide:
- 5+ years of teaching service in the CANR with demonstrated record that students gain critical thinking and problem solving (required).
- Evidence of innovation applied for the benefit of MSU students.
- Taught a significant number of courses and instructional excellence.
- Evidence of effective student mentoring in settings beyond the classroom
- Evidence of successful engagement of outside stakeholders.
Ideal candidates for the CANR Excellence in Teaching Awards (both New Teacher and Established Teacher categories) will have/provide:
New Teacher Award category: Less than 5 years teaching in the CANR.
Established Teacher Award category: More than 5+ years teaching in the CANR.
- Evidence of dedication to instruction/advising through experimentation and implementation of innovative techniques that contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
- Evidence of excellence in instruction as demonstrated impact on students’ careers.
- Evidence of excellence in instruction as demonstrated impact on colleagues’ teaching and advising practices.
Ideal candidates for the Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Award will have/provide:
- Evidence of dedication to instruction through experimentation and successful implementation of innovative techniques and/or contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
- Evidence of excellence in instruction as demonstrated by the impact on students’ careers.
- Evidence of excellence in instruction as demonstrated by the impact on colleagues’ teaching/advising practice.
If you have questions about nominations, please contact us by email at ANR.TeachingAwards@msu.edu.
Thank you!
CANR Teaching Awards Team