Jazmin Bolan-Williamson

Jazmin Bolan-Williamson

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Farm and Food Business Coordinator


Jazmin joined the Center for Regional Food Systems in July 2022. She graduated from MSU with a degree in Food Industry Management with a focus in Environmental Studies through the RISE program. She has been part of many Local Food Projects including the NWI Mobile Food Truck and AmeriCorp. She was also a part of Growing Hope and the Ypsilanti Farmers Market and during the 2020 lock downs helped to implement and run the Ypsilanti Online Markets. She has also served on the Washtenaw County Food Policy Council fighting to make sure the council focused its efforts on equity within the food system.

Within CRFS, she now works across the Center for Regional Food Systems, MSU Product Center and the Michigan Good Food Fund with a focus on increasing Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Women-Owned and LGBTQ+ farm and food businesses. As part of her work she also supports the Network for Inclusive Farm Business Engagement (NIFBE).