Organic Certifying Agencies Registered in Michigan
DOWNLOADNovember 30, 2018 Vicki Morrone
Are you wondering which certifier to choose for your organic farm? Don't know which agencies certify in Michigan?
Here is a brief overview of who certifies Michigan organic farms:
- California Certifiers of Organic Food (CCOF)
- Ecocert / Indiana Certified Organic
- Global Organic Alliance, Inc.
- International Certification Services, Inc.
- Midwest Organic Service Association (MOSA)
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA)
- Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
- Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA)
- Quality Assurance International (QAI)
Check out the one-page fact sheet for more information on the USDA-NOP Accredited Certifiers in Michigan.
For further information contact Vicki Morrone - Organic Production Specialist at Michigan State University, 517-353-3542 or
Visit for information about certifying in Michigan. Note that this fact sheet provides a list of agencies who certify organic farms in Michigan. This is not an endorsement of the agencies.