• Dogwood borer

    The adult is bluish black with yellow bands and has clear wings, resembling a wasp. Larva is creamy white to pink with a sclerotized reddish head.

  • Crown gall

    Infected trees are often stunted and produce small, chlorotic leaves. Spherical to elongated swellings along the roots or on the trunk just above the soil line is the primary symptom.

  • Hover flies

    The adult is a fly that mimics the coloration of wasps; it often hovers during flight. It is found among aphid colonies, often co-existing with other predators such as the gall midge.

  • Apple seed chalcid

    Adult is a small, dark wasp with a bright green head, thorax and abdomen with coppery or bronze metallic reflections, brownish yellow legs, clear hyaline wings, and a long ovipositor.

  • Green fruitworm

    Immature larvae of the green fruitworm (GFW) feed on flower buds and new foliage.

  • Japanese beetle

    Japanese beetles can be present from June through September. Japanese beetle adults are metallic green or greenish bronze with reddish wing covers and several white spots near the abdomen tip and along the sides. Larvae are larger C-shaped grubs that live in the soil.

  • Fall webworm

    Adult is a white moth with dark spots on the wings, which may be less distinct in northern specimens. The pale yellow larva has a dark head and dark tubercles with clumps of hairs.

  • Pear slug (Pear sawfly)

    The adult looks similar to a small, black-bodied wasp with the ventral side and legs yellow in color. The larva is small, fleshy, dark green to orange, slug-like, and slime-covered, with the front part of the body enlarged.

  • Lesser appleworm

    The adult is a small gray moth with distinct small orange bands or patches on the wings; some blue is also evident in newly emerged specimens.

  • Nectria canker

    Cankers are often associated with nodes, often appearing as elliptical sunken areas. Sometimes callus production stops fungal invasion and cankers die by season's end.

  • Tarnished plant bug

    The adult is brown and the extremities of its wings are translucent with a cream-colored scutellum on its back. The nymph is pale green; from the 3rd nymphal stage, it has five black points on the back.

  • Brooks fruit spot

    Appears as irregular, slightly sunken dark green lesions on immature fruit.

  • Flatheaded appletree borer

    The adult is a short-horned beetle, flattened above, with short antennae and large conspicuous eyes. The upper surface of the body is dark metallic brown with slightly patterned wing covers.

  • Spotted tentiform leafminer

    The adult is a tiny beige moth with heavily fringed wings striped with golden brown and white bands. Eggs are laid individually on the undersurface of the leaves.

  • Oystershell scale

    The adult female remains immobile under a small brown scale in the shape of an oyster shell attached to the bark of branches. The white and oval eggs are laid inside the scale and crawlers emerge in the spring during the petal fall stage of apple.

  • Plum curculio

    The adult is mottled grayish black and brown. Its head is prolonged into a large but short snout that bears antennae. Each elytron has a series of humps with the 2nd and 3rd pairs separated by a clear transverse band.

  • Spiders: Foliage Hunters

    The body of a spider is divided into two regions, the cephalothorax and abdomen. The cephalothorax bears the eyes (various numbers and arrangements), mouthparts, pedipalps and legs (four pairs), and the unsegmented abdomen bears the genital structures, spiracles, anus and spinnerets (silk-spinning structures).

  • Verticillium wilt

    Leaves wilted or browned on one or several branches, often remaining attached; the rest of the tree appears healthy. Young trees are often killed by infection.

  • European fruit scale

    The female is immobile and covered with a circular waxy shell that becomes dark gray over time and is elevated at the center. The adult male is brownish red with an elongated abdomen, long antennae and wings.

  • Minute pirate bug

    Adults are very similar in size to the mullein plant bug (Campylomma varbasci), but their head is narrower and their wings are colored contrasting white and black.