2024 Michigan Good Food Charter Policy Action Forum

June 10, 2024 8:30AM - 4:15PM

Registration Deadline: May 31, 2024 - 12:00AM

STEM Education Building, 642 Red Cedar Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824

Contact: Lindsey Scalera, scaleral@msu.edu and Jordan Lindsay, lindsa57@msu.edu

What is the Policy Action Forum?

The 2024 Michigan Good Food Charter Policy Action Forum is an in-person event designed to bring together Michigan's food systems partners leading on policy action to collaborate on advocacy. The event will feature collaborative breakout sessions called “roundtables” where participants will engage in facilitated discussions to find alignment on advocacy opportunities.
This event is in-person only, held at the MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility.

The forum will take place on June 10, 2024, 8:30-4:15 pm in East Lansing. Please register by May 31, 2024.


Our Goals

Our main goal is to connect people working on Good Food goals through policy advocacy. At the event, participants will be able to:

  • Plan for policy action together
  • Learn about a specific policy action and how to bring that back to their community
  • Gain tools for how to frame policy advocacy conversations
  • Gather feedback and grow support for a specific policy action

Who is the forum for?

Unlike our MI Good Food Summits, due to capacity limits of our location this event is not open for everyone. Rather, we’re seeking to gather a strategic group of folks to come together to amplify a statewide food policy voice for food systems transformation.

We are also planning to engage roundtable facilitators in pre- and post- event virtual workshops as a way to help prepare participants for the event, as well as support people to take further action coming out of the event. These virtual workshops will also allow us to reach partners who may not be able to attend the in person session on June 10th.

Policy Roundtables

To learn more about each Policy Action Roundtable, please visit: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/policyactionforum/home

  • 10 Cents a Meal Program- Legislative Advocacy
  • The Intersection Between Nutrition Programs and Local Food Systems
  • Building Resilient Communities and Food Equity: Ideas to Action to State Budget
  • Reducing Food Waste and Supporting Food Recovery in Michigan
  • Land Access for Beginning Farmers
  • Expanding Access to Locally Grown Food: A Proposal for a Statewide Food Reimbursement Program
  • Healthy School Meals for All
  • Farm Bill reauthorization: where we are and where we (hope to) go
  • Michigan Hunger Free Campus Initiative
  • Co-locating Food Pantries in Michigan Children’s “Third Spaces”
  • Farmer- Led Accountability Metrics

Event Agenda

The day will open and close with full group activities, but roundtable sessions will be the primary focus of how we spend our time that day. Breakout spaces will be designated for each roundtable session. We anticipate 160 people total, and somewhere between 5-20 participants at each roundtable.
This agenda is designed to facilitate collaborative action opportunities to take back and amplify mobilization in your community. Here is the link to the full agenda.


Registration for this event has closed.

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