Chloe Grabb wants to spread knowledge and love for plants

As a senior in Horticulture, Chloe Grabb is passionate about education and research.

Why did you choose Horticulture as your major/degree?  

A few years ago, I started to keep plants around the house. My newfound interest led me to enroll in the botany class at my school. I loved learning about the structure of plants and how they can be identified, but what really caught my attention was a video that we watched on aeroponics. A scientist had built a structure that connected plants to computers. Each plant received its own profile, and a little status would pop up each time that the plant needed something.

After watching that video, I knew that I would be going into plant sciences. It amazes me to think that no matter how far we’ve come, there are still new things to discover and improve. Everyone grows up thinking that we know everything there is to know about plants, but that isn’t true. I want to find new ways to help plants grow—and find new ways that they can help us grow, too.

What has been the best experience in your major so far?

Joining the Student Horticulture Association was the best decision that I made as an incoming freshman. The meetings are always the highlight of my week—good food, good conversation and plants. There’s really not much more to ask for in life. Although things will be much different this semester, I can’t wait to see everyone again. 

What is the best selling point about your major that you would like others to know?

The people in the horticulture industry are some of the most kind, supportive people that I know. Everything is a team effort. If you don’t know something, there will be someone willing to educate you. If you need help with something, there will be someone willing to help you. It’s not a competition. We just want to spread knowledge and our love for plants.

What are your future plans?

I am not completely sure what I want to do after graduation. I’m very passionate about education and research, so I’m considering becoming a professor.

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