Joseph Carlson

Joseph Carlson

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Associate Professor




PhD, MSU 1997
MS, MSU 1988
BS, MSU 1985
Dietetic Internship: Hines VA, 1985-86

Professional Positions

Assistant Professor, Director Coordinated Master’s Program in Nutrition, University of Utah, College of Health, Division of Foods & Nutrition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2001-2005.

Research Associate, Stanford University School of Med., Center for Research in Disease Prevention, Palo Alto, CA, 2000-2001.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University School of Med, Ctr for Research in Disease Prevention, NIH Postdoctoral Cardiovascular Research Training Fellowship; USDA NRI Grant, 1997-2000.

Coordinator, Nutrition & Exercise Services, Dept. of Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation Blodgett Memorial Medical Center, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994-1997.

Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI. Cardiovascular Physiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation, 1993-1994.

Supervisory Public Health Nutritionist, Nevada Dept. Health and Human Services, Elko, Nevada, 1990-1992.

Research Interests

  • Nutrition and physical activity interventions and cardiovascular health status and in children.
  • Role of nutrition on training, performance and cardiovascular health status in youth and collegiate athletes.

Instructional Activities

  • HNF 457 - Sports and Cardiovascular Nutrition
  • HNF 490 and Kin 490-494 - (S)Partners for Heart Health Mentoring Elective
  • College of Osteopathic Medicine (OST 590), Human Medicine (HM 590) - (S)Partners for Heart Health Measurement Elective (includes learning reliable and valid cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor assessment in children)

Outreach Focus

  • Service learning for allied health profession students and medical students involved with (S)Partners for Heart Health; A school and web-based program for 5th grade students
  • Nutrition Education for physical performance and health via (S)Partners for Heart Health;  the Spartan Nutrition and Performance Program (SNAPP) and Eyde clinic (Part of MSU Health Team)

Selected Publications

Suton D, Pfeiffer KA,  Feltz DL,  Yee KE, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ  Physical activity and self-efficacy in normal and over-fat children.  American Journal of Health Behavior. 2013; 37(5):635-640; DOI:

Hayes HM, Eisenmann JC, Pfeiffer KA, Carlson JJ.   Weight status, physical activity, and vascular health in 9-12-year old children.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2013, 10; 205-210.

Montoye AH, Pfeiffer KA, Alaimo K, Hayes Betz H, Paek HJ, Carlson JJ,  Eisenmann JC,  Association of screen time and junk food consumption with adiposity in children. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2013; 37; 3,395-403.

Drenowatz C, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA, Eisenmann JC. Association of physical activity/screen time and diet on CVD risk factors in 10-year-old children. Front. Med. 2012, 6(4): 428–435 DOI 10.1007/s11684-012-0232-4.

Drenowatz C, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA, Pivarnik JM.  Energy expenditure and dietary intake during high-volume and low-volume training periods among male endurance athletes.  Applied  Physiology Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2012 Apr; 37(2):199-205,10.1139/h11-155.

Carlson JJ, Eisenmann JJ, Norman GJ, Ortiz KA, Young PC.  Dietary fiber and nutrient density are inversely associated with the metabolic syndrome in US adolescents.  Journal American Dietetic Association.2011; 111: 1688-1695.

Drenowatz C, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA, Pivarnik JM. Differences in energy expenditure between high- and low-volume training.  European Journal of Sports Science. 2011 Dec 05; DOI:10.1080/ 17461391.2011.635707.

Yee KE, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA. Association between the family nutrition and physical   activity screening tool and cardiovascular disease risk factors in 10-year old children. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity2011 Aug; 6 (3-4):314-20. Epub 2011 Jul 5.         

Eisenmann JC, Alaimo K, Pfeiffer KA, Paek H-J, Carlson JJ, Hayes H, Thompson T, Kelleher D,  Orth J, Randall S, Mayfield K, Holmes D.  Project FIT: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a school- and community-based intervention to address physical activity and healthy eating among low-income elementary school children. BMC Public Health. July 29, 2011:607.

Carlson JJ, Turpin AA, Weibke G, Hunt SC, Adams TD.  Pre- and postprandial appetite hormone levels in normal weight and severely obese women.  Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009,6:32;doi:10.1186/1743-7075-6-32.

Slade JM, Carlson JJ, Forbes SC, Stein NJ, Wiseman RW, Meyer RA. The postprandial increase in blood triglycerides has no direct effect on the brain BOLD response.  Human Brain Mapping. 2009 30(3):749-756

Carlson JJ, Eisenmann JC, Pfeiffer KA, Jager KB, Sehnert ST, Yee, KE, Klavinski R, Feltz DL. (S)Partners for Heart Health: a school-based program for enhancing physical activity and nutrition to promote cardiovascular health in 5th grade students.  BMC Public Health. 2008, 8:420; 1-12.

Carlson JJ, Farquhar JW, DiNucci E, Ausserer L, Miller D, Berra K, Haskell W.  The Evaluation of a commercial supplement containing ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, and fish oil on cognitive function, quality of life and platelet function in older adults.  Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2007; 107:422-432.        

Carlson JJ, Monti V. “Evidence Informed Nutrition and Dietary Interventions for the Prevention and Management of Atherosclerosis”. Canadian Association for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Prevention Programs, October 2009. Chapter 8-pages 221-249. ISBN:978-09685851-3-9