Course Resources

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) and Michigan State University (MSU) provide various course resources, information and policies to support students.

The CANR Teaching and Academic Policy Committee (TAPC) advises and consults with the Director of Academic Affairs on matters of teaching and academic policy affecting the college. The TAPC coordinates its activities with those of the College Curriculum Committee and the College Graduate Committee, as specified by the College Advisory Council.

CANR Common Syllabus Template

The syllabus template is broken into discrete sections, which can be rearranged, removed, or modified to best fit your course and teaching style.

MSU Syllabus Checklist

Public health requirements for social distancing will create important changes in the modalities for our courses, as well as for the places in which we teach in fall 2020.

The MSU Syllabus Checklist information was provided by the Council for Undergraduate Education Deans on June 1, 2020 for fall semester 2020 courses that will be online and hybrid, as well as for courses that must shift to an online format after Nov. 25, 2020.

Download the Word or Excel checklist. These files are the SAME just in a different file format.