FSHN Fall Seminar - Dr. Stephan van Vliet
November 8, 2023 4:00PM - 5:00PM
S Anthony Room 1135
11.08.2023 FSHN Fall Seminar
Stephan van Vliet, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition Science, Utah Sate University
Linking Plant, Animal, and Human Health in Livestock Systems: a Metabolomics Approach
In person: S. Anthony Hall, Room 1135
Join via Zoom: msu.zoom.us/j/99662385429
Meeting ID: 996 6238 5429 Passcode: FSHN23
Dr. Stephan van Vliet is a nutrition scientist with metabolomics expertise in the Center for Human Nutrition Studies at Utah State University. Dr. Stephan van Vliet earned his PhD in Kinesiology as an ESPEN Fellow from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and received training at the Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine and Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. van Vliet’s research is performed at the nexus of agricultural and human health. He routinely collaborates with farmers, ecologists, and agricultural scientists to study critical linkages between sustainable agriculture, the nutrient density of food, and human health. His work has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Scientific Reports, the Journal of Nutrition, and the Journal of Physiology.
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