FSHN Fall Seminar - Winona Bynum

November 29, 2023 4:00PM - 5:00PM

S Anthony Hall, Room 1135

11.29.2023 FSHN Fall Seminar Series, presented in coordination with SAFS

Winona Bynum, RDN, PMP, CSM, Executive Director of the Detroit Food Policy Council

The Food System Beyond Charity - Implications for Nutrition Professionals


In person: S. Anthony Hall, Room 1135

Join via Zoom: msu.zoom.us/j/97723543636
Meeting ID: 977 2354 3636   Passcode: FSHN23

Winona Bynum is the executive director of the Detroit Food Policy Council (DFPC) an education, advocacy and policy organization led by Detroiters committed to creating a sustainable, local food system that promotes food security, food justice and food sovereignty in the city of Detroit. Winona is a registered dietitian/nutritionist (RDN) and a graduate of Wayne State University’s Coordinated Program in Dietetics. She studied Public Health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Ethical Leadership at the University of Detroit Mercy. She serves on the board of directors of Diversify Dietetics; a nonprofit with the mission of increasing the racial and ethnic diversity in the field of nutrition by empowering nutrition leaders of color and on the board of the Michigan Nutrition and Dietetics Institute (MNDI). She previously served as Chair of the National Organization of Blacks and Dietetics (NOBIDAN) and president of the Southeastern Michigan Dietetic Association (SEMDA). Winona is a native Detroiter who is dedicated to helping others gain access to the knowledge and foods needed to make healthier choices; and to helping to create and maintain a fair, equitable, and sustainably-operating food system in the City of Detroit so that doing the healthy thing is the easy thing.

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