Organic Garlic Production - E3371
Published on April 24, 2018
What you need to know about getting started with organic garlic production, including soil preparation, planting and management. -
Seed Production Guide Curriculum for Malawi - A Farmer Field School Approach
Published on April 1, 2018
This is a manual to guide educators across the globe to help farmers learn to grow legume seed for production and for sale. The information on teaching suggests using a participatory and experiential learning approach. -
Action Learning: Teaching Others to Engage with Learners
Published on April 1, 2018
Everyone can learn; it’s just that not all people learn best with the same approach. This module offers a mixture of different teaching approaches to maximize learning by all. -
Organic matter basics
Published on February 19, 2018
Getting started with organic matter basics. -
Getting started with organic matter basics
Published on February 14, 2018
What is soil organic matter, and how can it be improved? Watch this webinar to learn more! -
Healthy Soil for Healthy Crops and Seeds: Action Learning Curriculum for Small-Holder Farmers
Published on April 1, 2017
This curriculum can be used by any educator as a guide to engage farmers to better understand soils and how management of soil impacts the crop. -
Integrated Strategies for Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Organic Small Fruit Production
Published on December 13, 2016
Cultural, biological and chemical control of spotted wing Drosophila in organic small fruit crops. -
Basics of farm business planning and financial readiness
Published on May 17, 2016
Getting started with farm business planning and financial readiness. -
Transitioning to organic
Published on March 28, 2016
Gearing up to transition to organic agriculture. -
Integrated Pest Management Scouting in Vegetable Crops
Published on November 23, 2015
Scouting and monitoring for pests is a critical step in quantifying the potential damage that can be caused by a pest and implementing management strategies that are appropriately timed for maximum effect. -
Organic Raspberry Production in Three-Season High Tunnels
Published on October 19, 2015
This fact sheet provides helpful information including: site selection, tunnel types, planting, pollination and weed, pest and nutrient management. -
Organic Raspberry Production in Three-Season High Tunnels
Published on February 19, 2015
Growing organic raspberries using season extension offers a great opportunity to extend the production season and harvest high quality berries. -
Managing Soil Health From an Organic Farmer's Perspective
Published on August 21, 2014
The following links are videos about soil management from the perspective of an organic grain farmer in New York. -
Perennial Wheat
Published on August 20, 2014
Perennial wheat, a new crop under development at the time of this writing, has the potential to be used as a multi-purpose crop. -
Transitioning to Certified Organic in Michigan
Published on August 20, 2014
This bulletin gives answers to frequently asked questions and steps to growers who are considering a transition to organic farming with information about the certification process and organic production methods. -
Weather - Winter Injury in Plants
Published on August 6, 2014
Learn how to respond when cold weather injures your plants. -
Perennial Wheat
Published on February 3, 2014
This Michigan State Universtiy Extension bulletin explains the perennial wheat's progress as well as the developmental challenges and other experiences in the field. -
Michigan Radio: Farm Bill Extension Causes Trouble for Organic Farmers
Published on November 12, 2013
Vicki Morrone, Lee Arboreal, and Tomm Becker provide insight on the impact of changes in the federal Farm Bill on Michigan's organic farmers. -
Perennial Wheat Shows Potential as a Versatile Crop
Published on September 6, 2013
In this article, Vicki Morrone explains the potential benefits and current MSU research on perennial wheat, a hybrid of winter wheat and perennial grasses. -
Farm Information Resource Management (FIRM)
Published on March 27, 2013
Improve your life and achieve your goals through an educational process that applies management, production and economic knowledge to critical issues, needs, and opportunities.