Horticulture student earns graduate honors

Erin Haramoto was recognized by the MSU Council of Graduate Students (COGS) for her poster: "Relative location of strips influences sweet corn yields, potentially leachable nitrate, and trace gas flux under strip tillage."

Erin Haramoto

Erin Haramoto was recognized as one of five poster presentation winners by the MSU Council of Graduate Students (COGS) for her poster: "Relative location of strips influences sweet corn yields, potentially leachable nitrate, and trace gas flux under strip tillage."

Erin Haramoto is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University. Her research focuses on improving the environmental and economic sustainability of vegetable production in Michigan through the use of reduced tillage with deep fertilizer banding and cover cropping. Research presented at the Graduate Academic Conference demonstrated that these practices may reduce nitrogen loss to the environment, where it can act as a pollutant, while maintaining or improving sweet corn yields.

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