School District Interests and Challenges Buying Chicken Raised without Antibiotics
Published on September 18, 2013
The overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture is recognized as contributing to human antibiotic resistance. With large meat purchases, particularly chicken, school districts have an opportunity to leverage their buying power to engage with this issue. -
2013 National Food Hub Survey Questions
Published on September 17, 2013
The information and questions provided in the 2013 National Food Hub Survey are listed in this document. -
Key Findings from the 2013 National Food Hub Survey
Published on September 17, 2013
This document contains the major findings of the 2013 National Food Hub Survey. -
Perennial Wheat Shows Potential as a Versatile Crop
Published on September 6, 2013
In this article, Vicki Morrone explains the potential benefits and current MSU research on perennial wheat, a hybrid of winter wheat and perennial grasses. -
Economic Impacts of Local and Regional Food Systems: Response to Questions from May 20, 2013 Webinar
Published on August 5, 2013
This brief provides responses to unanswered questions from a webinar on the economic impact of local food. -
Economic Impacts of Local Food Systems: Future Research Priorities
Published on July 12, 2013
This commentary addresses the types of local food economic impact studies that have been conducted, identifies criteria by which the effectiveness of these studies can be evaluated, and discusses future research opportunities. -
Grass Run Farms Webinar
Published on June 25, 2013
This presentation outlines the challenges any group of producers will need to overcome: consistency of finished product, workable production protocol, and year-round supply logistics. -
Food Hub Zoning and Michigan Growth Initiative Webinar
Published on June 13, 2013
This webinar examines zoning and land use issues in identifying and developing sites for food hubs. -
Zoning Lessons Learned Regarding Food Hubs
Published on June 5, 2013
The following “lessons” are based on several zoning discussions that ensued when starting food hubs in Battle Creek and Washtenaw County. -
Food Innovation Districts: An Economic Gardening Tool in Michigan Planner Volume 17, Issue 3
Published on May 30, 2013
The May/June edition of the publication Michigan Planner featured the release of and key concepts and examples from Food Innovation Districts: An Economic Gardening Tool. -
Supplying Local and Regional Markets: Michigan-Based Meat and Livestock Value Chains
Published on May 27, 2013
This document highlights challenges identified by stakeholders at a CRFS Livestock Work Group meeting and discusses potential opportunities suggested to improve the system. -
Economic Analysis of Local and Regional Food Systems Webinar
Published on May 20, 2013
CRFS and the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Food & Environment Program convened a meeting of a group of economists and local food researchers in early 2013. -
Economic Analysis of Local and Regional Food Systems: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Published on May 15, 2013
This brief provides a summary of the discussion that took place among economists and local food researchers at a meeting in early 2013. -
Michigan Junior Chef Competition Videos 2013
Published on May 9, 2013
This video provides an overview of and interviews from the 2013 Michigan Junior Chef Competition. The competition's goal is to provide its youth participants hands-on cooking experience and knowledge of healthy and local food choices. -
Native American Food & Agriculture Speaker Series Webinar: Dr. Martin Reinhardt
Published on May 8, 2013
In this webinar, Dr. Martin Reinhardt, professor of Native American Studies at Northern Michigan University and co-owner and education division director of First Nations, LLC, presents on the Decolonizing Diet Project. -
Native American Food & Agriculture Speaker Series Webinar: Dan Cornelius
Published on May 1, 2013
In this webinar, Dan Cornelius, the Technical Assistance Specialist for the Great Lakes Region of the Intertribal Agriculture Council, presented on Food Systems and American Indian Agriculture. -
Native American Food & Agriculture Speaker Series Webinar: Valerie Segrest
Published on April 24, 2013
In this webinar, Valerie Segrest, a native nutrition educator specializing in local and traditional foods, presents "Traditional Foods, Nutrition, and Health." -
Michigan Institutions Expand Local Food Purchasing
Published on April 23, 2013
Surveys conducted by CRFS in 2012 show growing participation and interest in local food purchasing by both institutions and farmers. -
Comparative Carbon Footprint Assessment of Winter Lettuce Production
Published on April 10, 2013
The following study assesses cold-season hoop house lettuce production in the context of local food systems’ relative environmental effects. -
Farm to Institution: A Summary of Research on Local Food Purchasing by Institutions
Published on April 9, 2013
This document summarizes the results of several CRFS surveys on interest in local food purchasing by a variety of institutions in Michigan, as well as farmers' interest in selling to such markets.