FSHN Staff News

FSHN Staff News

Heather Hazzard-Church

Greetings from Shelli Pfeifer, longest serving staff member in FSHN.

Hello to everyone from the main office of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.  These past couple years have been interesting for me as my co-workers have retired or moved on to other positions on campus.  With this change comes a new adventure for me as I have the opportunity to work with an awesome group of new co-workers.  Through it all, though, I am still here and thankful for this opportunity to work in the main office.

Working in FSHN these past 29 years (out of a total of 37 on campus this year) has been a unique experience from the day I was hired to work in an office suite where I was working with three faculty to now where I am working for the whole department.  A lot of changes throughout the years have given me some opportunities to work in different types of capacities while here in FSHN.  These experiences have been rewarding as I have worked with a lot of nice people throughout the years.  As I continue to work in the main office, I will try to provide the best services to you should you need assistance.  And, if you don’t need assistance, contact me anyway.  I would love to hear from you.  Your friend, Shelli Pfeifer

Heather Hazzard-Church joins FSHN as the fiscal officer and business manager. Heather started with FSHN on Sept. 1. Her MSU career began in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in May 2015.  Prior to coming to MSU, she worked for that “other university” in Ann Arbor for about 10 years.  She received a bachelor’s degree in business management from Siena Heights University, where she also played collegiate volleyball.  She is an avid golfer and poker player, and she continues to play volleyball competitively.  She lives in Napoleon, Michigan, with her husband and kids.

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