On the Farm

Sustainable farming practices



Building a more resilient future in food and farming 

Cornell Small Farms Program Resources

Common Consumer Questions: animal care, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, GE crops

National Pesticide Information Center Resources

  • Declaraciones o aclaraciones de etiquetas de alimentos

    Published on October 2, 2021
    Toda la información en las etiquetas de los alimentos no debe ser falsa o engañosa.

  • Declaraciones de etiquetas de antibióticos

    Published on October 2, 2021
    Los antibióticos son sustancias producidas por un microorganismo y tienen la capacidad de matar o inhibir el crecimiento o la multiplicación de otros microorganismos.

  • Declaraciones de etiquetas de OMG

    Published on October 2, 2021
    Los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) a veces se denominan derivados de ingeniería genética, de bioingeniería o genéticamente modificados (GM).

  • Etiquetado Natural y Orgánico

    Published on October 2, 2021
    Las afirmaciones de las etiquetas Natural y Orgánico se utilizan en alimentos para describir cómo se cultivaron, criaron y/o procesaron.

  • Afirmaciones sobrela crianza deanimales

    Published on October 2, 2021
    Estos términos de etiquetado se utilizan en productos para describir el entorno en el que se criaron los animales.

  • GMO Label Claims

    Published on April 6, 2021
    A GMO is a plant, animal, or other organism that has had a gene from another organism transferred into it as an addition or replacement.

  • Antibiotic Label Claims

    Published on April 6, 2021
    Antibiotics are substances that are produced by one microorganism and have the ability to kill or inhibit growth or multiplication of other microorganisms.

  • Animal Raising Label Claims

    Published on September 30, 2020
    These labeling terms are used on products to describe the environment in which animals were raised during their life span. Animal raising claims describe the care the animal receives and how the producer maintains the land and environment.

  • Natural and Organic Label Claims

    Published on September 30, 2020
    Natural or organic label claims are used on food products to describe how they were grown, raised, and/or processed. Two government agencies oversee the production and labeling of food in the United States to ensure that label claims are truthful.

  • What are GMOs?

    Published on September 27, 2020
    GMO stands for genetically modified organism and is sometimes referred to as genetically engineered (GE), bioengineered (BE) or genetically modified (GM).

  • Common Questions and Answers about Beef Cattle Production

    Published on July 19, 2020
    Common Questions and Answers about Beef Cattle Production

  • Common Questions and Answers about Genetically Engineered (GM/GMO) Plants

    Published on July 19, 2020
    Common Questions and Answers about Genetically Engineered (GM/GMO) Plants

  • Transitioning to Certified Organic in Michigan: Where to Start?

    Published on August 1, 2018
    This Michigan State University Extension bulletin was developed to outline steps to initiate the process and to aid farmers in deciding whether this type of certification is the best route for their farm.

Michigan Agriculture


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