Burkina Faso
Formerly the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed “Burkina Faso” in 1984. The words “Burkina” meaning “upright” and “Faso” meaning “fatherland.”
- The capital and main city is Ouagadougou
- The official language is French
- Area: 105,900 sq mi (slightly larger than the State of Michigan)
- Population approx. 20 million in 2017
- Climate: The country has a primarily tropical climate with two very distinct seasons. 1) The rainy season where the country receives between 60 and 90 cm of rainfall 2) The dry season, the Harmattan – where a hot dry wind from the Sahara blows.
Fun Fact: Burkina Faso has a larger number of elephants than many countries in West Africa. Lions, leopards and buffalo can also be found here, including the dwarf or red buffalo.
Gender Differences in the Adoption of Cereal Intensification Strategy Sets in Burkina Faso
Published on April 1, 2016
IDWP 141. Veronique Theriault, Melinda Smale, and Hamza Haider. April 2016 -
Credit Agricole et Credit Informel dans la Region Orientale de Haute-Volta: Analyse Economique, Performance Institutionnelle et Implications en Matiere de Politique de Developpement Agricole
Published on January 3, 1982
IDWP 2. Edouard K. Tapsoba. 1982. 125 pp.
Mywish Maredia
Melinda Smale
Professor Emeritus
Véronique Thériault
Associate Professor