- The capital and main city is Bamako.
- The official language is French
- Area: 478,841 sq mi (approx. 4x the size of the State of Michigan)
- Population approx. 15 million in 2009
- Climate: Northern Sahara zone in Mali experiences hot and dry climate whereas the climate of Mali in the subtropical southern part is hot and humid
Fun Fact: The prime meridian marker is located in Gao, Mali, where one can literally stand on the edge of two hemispheres.
MSU and Partners achievements in Mali
Brochure in English
Les réalisations de MSU et ses partenaires au Mali
Pamphlet en français
Main Research Themes
- Agrifood System Transformation
- Gender
- Input Use and Market Development
- Policy Research and Capacity Building
- Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
- Training and Capacity Building
- Value Chain Analysis
There are no entries at this time.
Publications and Presentations
A City-Retail Outlet Inventory of Processed Dairy and Grain Foods: Evidence from Mali
Published on July 7, 2017
Véronique Thériault, Amidou Assima, Ryan Vroegindewey, David Tschirley, and Naman Keita, 2017. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 65 - EN. -
Efficacité intra-ménage de l’utilisation d’engrais sur les céréales pluviales du Mali
Published on July 4, 2017
Melinda Smale, Véronique Theriault et Hamza Haider. Juillet 2017. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 63 - FR. -
Intrahousehold Efficiency of Fertilizer Use on Rainfed Cereals in Mali
Published on July 4, 2017
Melinda Smale, Véronique Thériault, and Hamza Haider, 2017. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 63 - EN. -
Causes and Consequences of Increasing Herbicide Use in Mali
Published on June 2, 2017
Haggblade, S., Smale, M., Kergna, A., Theriault, V. and Assima, A. 2017b. Causes and consequences of increasing herbicide use in Mali. European Journal of Development Research 29:648-674. -
The Herbicide Revolution in Developing Countries: Patterns, Causes and Implications
Published on May 29, 2017
Haggblade, S., Minten, B., Pray, C., Reardon, T. and Zilberman, D. 2017a. The herbicide revolution in developing countries: patterns, causes and implications. European Journal of Development Research 29:533-559.
Steven Haggblade
Adjunct Professor
Robert Richardson
Laura Schmitt Olabisi
Melinda Smale
Professor Emiritus
John M. Staatz
Professor Emeritus
517 896 4390
Oyinkan Chukuka Tasie
Assistant Professor
Véronique Thériault
Associate Professor