The capital and main city is Yangon.
- The official language is Burmese
- Area: 261,228 sq mi (approx. 3x the size of the State of Michigan)
- Population approx. 52 million in 2014
- Climate: Myanmar lies in the monsoon region of Asia, with its coastal regions receiving over 5,000 mm (196.9 in) of rain annually
Fun Fact: Myanmar has the largest book in the world. The book is situated in Kuthodaw pagoda in Mandalay. It has 1460 pages and 730 leaves. Each page is 107cm (3.51 ft) wide, 13cm (5.1 in) thick and 153cm (5.02 ft) tall!
Off-farm Employment around Yangon: Survey Results
Published on March 17, 2017
Off-farm employment is the sole source of earnings for 56% rural households around Yangon and it provides 78% of rural households income. -
Rural Development Strategy for Mon State
Published on January 5, 2017
Recommendations toward a rural development strategy for Mon State based on analysis of current evidence. -
The Acceleration of Mechanization in the Agricultural Sector
Published on January 5, 2017
Factors toward Agricultural Mechanization in Burma -
Aquaculture Value Chain in Myanmar
Published on January 5, 2017
In Myanmar, fish is the leading purveyor of animal protein and the lead provider of micronutrients, important especially for child development. Nearly as much is spent on fish (14% of food expenditure) as on rice (19% of food expenditure).
Publications and Presentations
Land and Rural Transformation in Southern Shan State: A Comparative Perspective
Published on May 9, 2019
Ben Belton, Land and Rural Transformation in Southern Shan State: A Comparative Perspective, Food Security Policy Project, British Embassy, Yangon. May 9, 2019. -
Agricultural Land in Southern Shan State. Research Highlights 17
Published on February 19, 2019
Research Highlights, Myanmar 17: Khin Zin Win and A Myint Zu, February 2019. -
Agricultural Mechanization Southern Shan State. Research Highlights 16
Published on February 18, 2019
Research Highlights, Myanmar 16: Khaing Wah Soe and Sithu Kyaw, February, 2019. -
Off-Farm Employment in Southern Shan State. Research Highlights 15
Published on February 15, 2019
Research Highlights, Myanmar 15: Zin Wai Aung, Hnin Ei Win, Zaw Min Naing and Soe Thu Lin, February 2019. -
The "Quiet Revolution" in Myanmar's Aquaculture Value Chain
Published on February 4, 2019
Ben Belton, The "Quiet Revolution" in Myanmar's Aquaculture Value Chain, DFID Livelihoods Conference, Pyapon, Myanmar. February 4, 2019.
Ben Belton
Associate Professor
+95 925-107-2892
Duncan Boughton
Steve Longabaugh
Specialist International Development
Mywish Maredia
David Mather
Assistant Professor
Ellen Payongayong
Specialist - International Development Research Associate