MasterCard Foundation brings students to MSU

The MasterCard Foundation has partnered with Michigan State University to provide full tuition scholarships to undergraduate and master's students from sub-Saharan Africa.

Stella Nhanala, graduate student, plant breeding and genetics

The MasterCard Foundation has partnered with Michigan State University to provide full tuition scholarships to undergraduate and master’s students from sub-Saharan Africa.

Students who have demonstrated academic talent, are economically disadvantaged and have a personal commitment to give back to their countries are invited to apply for these scholarships.

Through financial, academic, social and post-graduation support, The Scholars Program will ensure that young people are equipped with the skills and competencies needed to spur economic growth and social development in their respective countries of origin.

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) is proudly welcoming several students through the Mastercard program. Meet two:

''Stella Nhanala
Graduate student, Plant Breeding and Genetics
Hometown: Maputo, Mozambique
School: University of Algarve

Background: Stella was nominated for the scholarship by Karim Maredia, professor in the Department of Entomology and MSU’s lead on the African Union’s African Biosafety Network.

Nhanala, a MSU graduate student and MasterCard Foundation Scholar from Mozambique is studying plant breeding and genetics, and has followed her passion for biosafety and genetic engineering by being involved in a project of the African Union’s (AU) New Partnerships for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) called the African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE). She wishes to be a role model for girls in her country and give back in terms of “creating a revolution in the Mozambican agriculture (through Biotechnology) and allow it to change for the better.” She is a firm believer of Nelson Mandela’s quote, stating “until I change myself, I cannot change others.”




''Thelma Namonje
Graduate student, Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics
Hometown: Zambia

Background:  Thelma came to MSU highly recommended by Thom Jayne, a professor in the Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics.  Thelma has worked with Jayne in Zambia on an MSU Food Security project. She has been working for several years with MSU partner, Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa.  After graduation she plans to return to same organization.

Namunie, a graduate student from Zambia studying Agriculture, Food & Resource Economics at MSU, believes that The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program will enhance her motivation to give back to Africa in the role of an agro-economist who can forecast future trends and recommendation based on the application of economic theory and knowledge. Thelma has been working with MSU partner, Alliance for Commodity Trade (ACTESA) in eastern and southern Africa for several years and wishes to continue her contribution for the development of Zambia.  

Learn more about The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at

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