The capital is Abuja.
- The official language is English
- Area: 356,669 sq mi (approx. 4x the size of the State of Michigan)
- Population approx. 186 million in 2016
- Climate: Nigeria has a tropical hot climate with temperatures varying according to the seasons of the year. The two major seasons are determined by rainfall with a rainy season and dry season.
Fun fact: Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa
Research on Farm Input Subsidies has Important Implications for African Policymakers
Published on October 3, 2019
University Foundation Professor of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE), Thomas Jayne, recently spoke to African policymakers at the African Green Revolution Forum in Ghana. -
On Agrilinks: Building Resilience in Nigerian Agriculture
Published on December 6, 2018
Recommendations for the Nigerian agricultural system to embrace resilience through three principles, in order to feed its population into the future under highly uncertain conditions. -
The Quiet Revolution in Food Systems in Africa & Asia
Published on October 17, 2018
Thomas Reardon: This video explains how a convergence of factors is provoking tsunami like rapid changes in the agrifood system of Africa. Keynote lecture for the Nigeria Association of Agricultural Economists, October 17, 2018 -
How to Get Published in a Peer Reviewed Journal
Published on October 13, 2018
How to write a successful article: 5 key points in a 1 minute video -
What Are Some Ways to Make the Case for your Work's Contributions to the Literature
Published on October 13, 2018
Discussion 2 about writing an article for a peer-reviewed journal (9'37"), T. Reardon and S. Liverpool Tasie
Publications and Presentations
Armed conflicts, forced displacement and food security in host communities
Published on October 1, 2022
J., George, A., Adelaja. (2022). "Armed conflicts, forced displacement and food security in host communities." World Development, 158, 105991. -
Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Published on August 18, 2022
Dolislager, M., LSO Liverpool-Tasie, N.M. Mason, T. Reardon, D. Tschirley. 2022. Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. Agricultural Economics. -
Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: Evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda
Published on August 18, 2022
Dolislager, M., Liverpool‐Tasie, L. S. O., Mason, N. M., Reardon, T., & Tschirley, D. (2022). Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: Evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. Agricultural Economics. -
RSM2SNF Project Launch Summary – Nigeria
Published on June 23, 2022
RSM2SNF project launch in Nigeria summary -
RSM2SNF Project Launch Report – Nigeria
Published on June 23, 2022
A summary of the events of the RSM2SNF project launch event in Nigeria
Thomas Jayne
MSU Foundation Professor emeritus
Saweda Liverpool-Tasie
MSU Foundation Professor
Steve Longabaugh
Specialist International Development
Mywish Maredia
Laura Schmitt Olabisi
Oyinkan Chukuka Tasie
Assistant Professor